This book came out of the accumulation of the many poems, short statements, photographs, and drawings that I took between 2014 and 2016. The text is organized chronologically and much of the content has been taken from my social media accounts. The text meanders in topic and style. This is due to the ever changing interests and the various ways my writing has changed throughout time.  

Word Zine, 2015, 3.5 x 3.5 inches, Book with accompanied audio


In spring of 2015 I released Word Zine, a book of poetry I had written working up to the show Noneverbal Communication. It was released as part of the show and was integral to the function of the other works.  The presentation consisted of 33 hand printed books accompanied by an audio piece, which there is a segment of featured below.

Temple Prayers was a small scale text book I released in spring of 2016.

Much of my writing has been adapted from the preliminary writing in my various notebooks.